Saturday, March 10, 2018

G Adventures Disappoints...

It's with a heavy hand that I write this post - I have traveled around the world with G Adventures to Patagonia, the Galapagos, Antarctica, Morocco, Australia, Myanmar and now India and never have I had such a terrible lodging experience.  Throughout my last 40 days in India, G Adventures has put us in the cheapest and dirtiest hotels - About a third didn't have hot water, about the same had no or incredibly slow wifi, most had dirty or ripped sheets and the latest fiasco involved bugs in beds in two different rooms within the same hotel.  (So, I Googled a replacement hotel at midnight and moved!)

Despite several email complaints to both the home office in Canada and to the regional Indian office, nothing has changed.  So, for the last month of my trip, I researched the worst of these hotels and on my own dime, booked myself into different hotels - India is a hard enough place to travel without G Adventures making it even harder - Anyone who knows me knows that I don't need a 5-star resort to be happy - I simply expect safe, clean and basic and we aren't even getting that here in India.

Shame on you G Adventures for going cheap and this is likely the last trip I ever take with you - Way to lose one of your biggest referral points as I can't even count how many people I have recommended to your company...  At least our guides have been amazing, which has been the only saving grace... #gadventures


  1. So sorry for your experience. What a bummer.

  2. I had similar experiences with them in New Zealand. Never again forme either!!!

  3. That sounds terrible! Share this post and tag them on social media. Hope they respond and at least try to fix it for you!
