Monday, September 25, 2017

Chobe Sunrise Drive

Even for a morning person like myself, getting up at 4:45 am for a game drive can be a tough alarm to set.  But get up we did and it was well worth it.  We took an open-air jeep into Chobe National Park and our amazing driver, Robert, managed to perfectly place us for every wildlife sighting we could have dreamed of in the span of three hours.  (With the exception of a male lion - Carmen, you'll have to put your request in sooner next time!)

The highlights included:  A momma leopard caring for her two cubs in a tree.  Then a wildly bumpy and dusty ride down a sandy road to chase down a pack of wild dogs who our guide hadn't even seen in 2-3 months.  They walked right behind our jeep with their pups.  Next up was a lioness, hanging out by herself in a bush next to the side of the road (maybe 10-15 feet away?) and just up the dusty trail from there, we caught another leopard walking down from her tree branch perch.  Finally, we saw an entire pride of lions walking across the grassy meadows, with 3-4 moms and 7-8 cubs.  Apparently she was none too pleased and I managed to capture her snarling at our jeeps.  And as with all the wildlife drives, we saw plenty of elephants, warthogs, birds, jackals, and giraffes too...

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