Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Mokoro Ride in the Okavango Delta

Just got back from three days bush camping in the Okavango Delta, outside Maun, Botswana.  It was a 2-hour mokoro ride (a low canoe) through tall grasses and side streams to a small island for two nights.  No electricity, we had to pack in all of our water and it was a "bush" toilet.  (Linds - that picture is for you!)

We did walking safari tours each day, seeing zebras, impalas, red bucks (very large deer), warthogs and even a few elephants.  The first morning walk, we stumbled right into an elephant family and managed to royally upset a momma elephant who fake charged us.  Fortunately, we had a great guide who told us to just stand still and then we slowly walked backwards.  (Vedo and Kerry, remind you of our trip in Kruger much??  Except this time, no car!)

Our last afternoon, we took a 6-seat airplane and flew over the Delta to get a bird's eye view of where we had been - Amazing!

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