Saturday, February 17, 2018


We spent a few days in Jaipur and made a quick stop at the Wind Palace before moving on to explore the Amber Palace, set a top an entire hillside, protective walls stretching out in every direction around it.  They offered elephant rides to the top, but we did not partake because of the animal cruelty issues - Nonetheless, the elephants were beautifully painted with natural dyes and I couldn't resist taking an up-close picture of one. 

We ended the day with a Bollywood movie at a famous movie theater - The movie was called Pad Man and yes, it was about women's periods!  Apparently it is fairly taboo to discuss in India and back in 2001, an Indian man went about trying to break the taboos and help his wife.  Most women at the time (and still some today) use dirty rags because they can't afford sanitary pads.  The story unfolds as he tries to create a cheaper, yet still safe pad for women, while changing the beliefs held at the time that women need to segregate themselves while they have their periods - They weren't allowed to sleep with their husbands, cook in the kitchens, etc. for five days.  And while the story is 18 years old at this point, when we asked our guide during the movie's intermission, he told us that it's still a taboo in some areas and even tampons are very rarely used in this country...

The Wind Palace:

The Amber Palace exterior:

An interior courtyard:

The mirrored design of one of the royal family's room:

An elephant carrying passengers up the hillside to the Amber Palace:

The Bollywood movie theater:

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