Friday, February 9, 2018

The Golden Temple in Amritsar

After a swinging seven hour train ride from Delhi to Amritsar, we arrived to visit the Golden Temple.  Finished in 1577, the Golden Temple (Sri Harimandir Sahib) is the largest Sikh temple in all of India and a hugely popular pilgrimage site for Sikhism.  In addition to the spectacular buildings, they also serve hot, nutritious meals 24 hours a day to anyone who visits, providing over 50,000 meals a day and nearly 100,000 meals on religious holidays.  It was one of the most impressive operations I have ever seen and it's run completely by volunteers!

The Temple at night:

A Sikh man after bathing in the holy water.  Men and women are required to carry a dagger on them, as they were persecuted for their religious beliefs for most of their history.

The start of the food operation:

The main kitchen for the curries and soups:

One of the dining halls:

Making chapatis:

Cooking chapatis:

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