Friday, November 3, 2017

Books on the Truck!

One of the best parts of traveling via road through Africa has got to be all the free time I have now to read on the truck.  Anyone looking for a good read, I have enjoyed all of the following in the past few weeks and would recommend each one.  Thanks for everyone who lent me their books on this trip - Bob, Claire and Kerry especially!

A great, great, great historical fiction about a kick-ass woman making her way in Africa in the 1920's:

An imaginary story about a family during Nazi Germany:

A novel about life in a small Maine town:

A book about the history of the Mormon religion, written by a Mormon:

The first of the Outlander series:

An absolutely incredible book about human beings on the planet, from the beginning:

A heart-warming story about a young boy in Africa who defied the odds and built a windmill for his family:

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