Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Matobo National Park

Had an amazing guide a few days ago for a walking rhino tour through Matobo National Park.  We saw an entire family, along with a few solo males who were trying to find some shade from the oppressive heat.  Very hilly countryside with massive boulders everywhere and easy places for animals to hide. Pictures below: The countryside, a chameleon, the rhinos and our armed guards for the walk.

However, one of the saddest parts of the tour was the guide telling us how he believes rhino will all be gone from the wild in just 3-5 years, if the poaching throughout the southern countries of Africa are not stopped.  Just last year alone, over 1,500 rhinos were slaughtered in South Africa and their horns were sold to consumers in Asian countries.  (Fictionally, some people believe that snorting or eating rhino horns produce results during sex as if having a super-charged Viagra.)  If you are moved to help, here is the nonprofit that is trying to protect the rhinos we saw at Matobo:  http://www.matoborhinotrust.com/

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